Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fred First Interview

Well respected blogger, Fred First, was interviewed in May of 2006 by Rebecca Blood, about many subjects including the origins of his personal blog.  His interview basically confirmed my beliefs on why people blog, which is a sort of personal therapy session.  First said his blog allowed him to release frustrations that were being built up during difficult times in his life.  Also, as a follower of blogs myself, I agree with First when he says there should be more interaction between bloggers on their blogs.  I see a lot of blogs that have 50 plus blogs listed on their blog roll, but no comments on posts from these bloggers and vice versa.  Hopefully, I will not be a hypocrite and comment on as many of my classmates' blogs as I can...only time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Hi JC, I agree with your point regarding getting onto other blogs and commenting, and in the spirit of that, here I am. I think your post is both terse and open, and you make some really solid points with it.

    Reading your post I realize I've made a novice blogger's mistake, creating a very long blog roll. Getting on them all and commenting may be challenging. As you say, time will tell, and at least I'm off to a start by responding to you!
