Monday, January 10, 2011

This Is What I'm Supposed To Do, Right?

Pay no attention to the headline picture, I just Googled my title to try and find some literary inspiration, and I got this photo of racist eggs. Week 2, Day 1 of winter term here at NCC.  I hate the winter term.  It seems to last the longest of all the terms, even though I am sure spring term will last the longest this year since I am graduating in June.  Anyway, this is my fourth post on my SPC 260 blog (I wonder how many more posts before I stop counting?) and I really don't know what to write about, so I decided to just sign on and type until I get somewhere. 

I still have nothing, so I guess I will introduce the blogosphere to me.  My name is Jonathan (Jon) Powell.  I am 31 years old, so I am not your typical college student.  I returned to the world of academia in 2006 after taking a "semester" off in 1999.  During that time off from school, I managed to live in Chicago, New Orleans, and California (not in a major city in Cali, so I'll just say Bay Area); I became a father to a beautiful girl named Olivia, and met the woman who I would eventually marry this past summer.  Currently I am studying broadcast communications here at NCC.  People always ask me what I want to do with my degree when I am done, and I really have no idea.  Its not that I have no idea, its the fact that I am realistic I guess, meaning that the obvious answer would be "get on TV" (that's not too hard nowadays, look at the Kardashians), but in reality on screen talent is a small percentage of the workforce in this field.  My real answer would be "whatever gets my foot in the door and gets me paid, quickly!" I'm not picky, in fact if anybody reading this has any connections, hook a classmate up!  In all honesty, my main goal is to be my own boss one day, and own a production company that different companies and businesses come to extend there vision in all forms of media to the rest of the world.

Wow, I think this post got a little out of hand, so I think I'm going to stop now...till next time my friends.

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